Tennis Court Cleaning Sydney Eastern Suburbs

For safety reasons, it is essential to keep your sports courts (netball, tennis, basketball) spotless and hazard-free. We service all Sydney Eastern Suburbs and Greater Sydney

The Best Tennis Court Pressure Washing Service In Sydney Eastern Suburbs, and Greater Sydney

We guarantee that you’ll be satisfied with the results of Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning’s cleaning service!

Want to make your netball, basketball, or tennis court look amazing?

Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning cleaning can take care of your netball, basketball, and tennis courts. Since 2009, we have helped numerous establishments such as schools, clubs, resorts, and private tennis court owners in Sydney Eastern Suburbs, and Greater Sydney in making their properties maintain their original condition.

There will never be a job that is too big or too small. We are capable of returning tennis courts, netball courts, and other court surfaces back to their original smoothness, regardless of size.

Our tennis court cleaning experts have the ability to remove all stains and different debris without causing damage to the surface of the court using specialised products and environment-friendly cleaning products. The end result is a very smooth, clean, and even playing court, which will help players ace their game.

Spend less time worrying and enjoy your court more! Get a free quote by calling us today.

The Many Benefits of Professional Tennis Court Cleaning Sydney Eastern Suburbs

Synthetic Grass Tennis Court Pressure Cleaning Before Vs After
Synthetic Grass Tennis Court Cleaning

It doesn’t matter if you have a small, private, or large tennis court, our tennis court cleaners in Sydney Eastern Suburbs will ensure that they will be cleaned and maintained throughout the year. Results of regular tennis court cleaning include the following:

Enhance your Court’s Appearance

For tennis courts, it is vital to have a regular cleaning schedule to maintain their best appearance for years. A tennis court that is not cleaned regularly can make it look bad and may cause damage to the surface.

Playability is affected when there are debris and other contaminants that have settled deep into the cracks and crevices of the surface of the court. When not swept out immediately, it makes them much more difficult to remove.

It is possible for moss to form under the surface due to prolonged rain or shaded courts. This can pose a risk of slips and be a breeding ground for bacteria which can be detrimental to health.

Enhance Playing conditions

Playability can also be affected by moss and mould on tennis courts. Moss growth can thicken the surface, which makes it more difficult to break through the grass for one player when their opponent hits the ball. It also provides less bounce and restricts your movements on court.

The surfaces of tennis court’s walls are cool and moist, which makes them an ideal host for moulds and their spores. These spores can cause allergic reactions if inhaled, especially by the players.

Extending Tennis Court’s Service Life can also save money

Our tennis court cleaners make sure that there are less cracks that can house moss and mould by removing dirt and contaminants from the surface of your tennis court.

This will aid in extending the service life of your tennis court as it will not require heavy repair over time.

This is not all. You will save money over the long term by hiring our Sydney Eastern Suburbs tennis court cleaners as well-maintained courts will enable the court to be played on more often, have longer-lasting stringing, less depreciation on your equipment, and make it safer against slips and falls.

Give us a call at (02) 9538 7539 to get a free quote!

Tennis Court Cleaning Rockhampton

The right way to clean surfaces of tennis courts

For practical reasons, the idea of cleaning your own tennis court or opting for cheap cleaners might be tempting. The downside to it is that you don’t really get the best results you would get from the likes of Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning.

Cleaning your tennis courts takes time, special tools, as well as experience. We have over 10 years of experience cleaning tennis courts in Sydney Eastern Suburbs & know the best technique for cleaning all types of tennis courts. We clean:

Synthetic Grass Tennis Courts

Infills are used to protect your synthetic tennis court’s foundation and keep the blades straight. Your synthetic grass tennis court’s foundation will last longer thanks to infills.

Due to this, high-pressure washing techniques for synthetic grass tennis courts are not recommended as too much pressure can cause the infills of the turf to dislodge and then fall out.

Rather, we use a special soft washing technique that is tested effective and safe for synthetic grass tennis courts.

Hard Surface Tennis Courts

Although they are durable and easy to maintain, hard surfaces tennis courts are just as susceptible to dirt and dust, as well as mould and moss growth as any other outdoor space.

We use combinations of safe and eco-friendly solutions, and apply them on the court’s surface. We then allow them to sit for a while before spraying the walls to get rid of mould and moss. After all of these, we use specialised soft brooms to wipe them away.

Contact us at: (02) 9538 7539

Get a free quote now!

Don’t wait – get an obligation-free quote today and you will be one step closer towards the clean exterior that you’re after.

Acrylic Tennis Courts

Acrylic tennis courts are known for their sensitivity, slip-resistance, and grit-integrated surfaces, and Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning is well aware of those.

Pressure cleaning acrylic courts reduces their playability and service life. In addition, traditional pressure washing methods leave behind unsightly lines of pressure cleaner, which can affect the court’s aesthetics.

We have combined our experience in non-pressure cleaning techniques to ensure that we offer the best tennis court cleaning. The outcome is an acrylic court with its original vibrant colour and lustre retained, without any damage.

We are also experts in cleaning other types of tennis courts such as concrete, asphalt, and mixed types of courts.

Basketball, Netball, and School courts

We also do cleaning service at school playgrounds, courts, netball, and basketball courts, among others. For any doubts, please give us a ring so we can clarify or confirm. Most likely, if the surface is water-resistant, we can clean it.

Contact us at: (02) 9538 7539

Additional exterior cleaning services we provide

We also provide Sydney Eastern Suburbs, and Greater Sydney regions with other high-quality services such as the following:

Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning Process in Tennis Court Cleaning

Here are some things to expect when you contact us for a professional driveway cleaning in Sydney Eastern Suburbs:

Inspection of Your Tennis (Netball and Basketball) Court

Tennis Court Pressure Washing Before Vs After
Tennis Court Synthetic Grass Pressure Cleaning Before Vs After

It is typically the priority to gather information about the type of surface that you have and any specific concerns (mould growth or discolouration) first prior to cleaning and that’s exactly what we do. This can be done by giving us a call as we get help from Google Earth.

Our process of cleaning a tennis court starts with a thorough inspection to find any areas of concern. To ensure that your tennis court is clean and free from moss and mould, we create a cleaning plan.

Removal of Surface Debris

We aim to remove all leaves, dust and debris from this stage before we move on to removing any moss and mould buildup on the tennis court walls.

Soft washing

This includes utilising special equipment intended for soft washing in applying cleaning solutions to the tennis court’s wall where mould and algae are usually found This gentle process allows for the removal of mould and moss without causing damage to the tennis court surface.

Eliminating Residues

Once the cleaning solutions have extricated the annoying mould or moss, we wipe them out of the tennis court walls and remove any residues using our soft brushes.


We then sanitise the tennis court and apply a sealer as the last step. This helps prevent future moss or mould growth. At the same time, this sealer helps protect the tennis courts from sun damage and regular play.

There are several factors that affect the amount of time spent on tennis court cleaning such as the type of court materials and the severity of mould and moss buildup.

Usually, the average tennis court cleaning session takes around five hours. For a more accurate and detailed estimate of the cleaning duration from beginning to end, our professional cleaners can thoroughly inspect your tennis court.

Get a free quote now!

Do not hesitate to request a no-obligation quote and take the first step towards the beautiful exterior you are looking for.

Why Opt for our tennis court cleaning service Sydney Eastern Suburbs?


We at Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning are a well-known family-owned pressure and external cleaning business with 10+ years of experience tucked under our belt, serving different clients with pressure washing and exterior cleaning services all over Greater Sydney.

Before Cleaning Tennis Court

Services that are both high quality and affordable

Our team understands the importance of high-quality cleaning services at reasonable prices for customers. The tennis court cleaning services we offer do not include expensive additional jobs. Only fully qualified and trained pressure and external cleaning experts who use the most effective and up-to-date cleaning equipment are employed by us.

Eco-friendly Solutions

Our experts only make use of eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are safe and effective for everyone, including the surface being cleaned.

Fully Insured Cleaning Team

We have liability insurance coverage to answer for any damages to your property that may arise from possible accidents while the cleaning session is being carried out.

Flexible Services Schedule-

We work around you! For commercial clients, we are very mindful of minimising disruptions to your business operations!

At Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning, we can clean your tennis court at any time you please, be it day or night, at any day of the week, and even during holidays. Every customer has unique needs. We are flexible in our scheduling to cater your tennis court cleaning needs. We will clean your court at a time that is most advantageous for you and your tennis game. We can come during school breaks and holidays to clean school courts, and we can also come to clubs during off-seasons. What makes us stand out among the cleaning companies that service Sydney Eastern Suburbs, and Greater Sydney regions is our commitment to customer satisfaction

Call Sydney Eastern Suburbs‘s tennis court cleaning experts

Are you ready for a revitalization of your tennis court, and to restore its vibrant colour? Ring us at (02) 9538 7539 to request a free quote online or schedule our tennis court cleaning services!

Driveway Cleaning Professional Services Brisbane

Areas We Cover

Sydney Eastern Suburbs Pressure Cleaning provides high quality pressure washing services all over Greater Sydney, including: